[Peace-discuss] Fwd: Illinois is Key to Kucinich success in Iowa

Michael votefordenniskucinich at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 1 15:16:09 CST 2004

California expects to send some 300 Kucinich
supporters to Iowa aboard#160;The Peace Train#160;to
offer support just before the Iowa Primaries on Jan.
19th 2004. I believe that it is our duty as
Iowa#8217;s neighbor to match this effort!#160; Look,
if we don't do well in Iowa, there will be no Illinois

Hundreds of Illinois-based Kucitizens are expected to
help at this crucial time in the campaign. This is
truly a one time opportunity to do something that can
change the course of this election and gain national
recognition of the grassroots support of Dennis
Kucinich or the lack of it.

This is the moment to put forth an extra effort on our
part. If we really want this man to be elected and we
really want his message to be heard and change the
world, we must step up to the challenge. If there is a
voice within you that responds by telling you how
over-extended you are, challenge that thinking. This
is the crucial moment to work outside of your comfort
zone until Jan. 19th.

Here is how we can support Iowa:

1. Go to Iowa and become a volunteer #8211; Click#160;
here#160;to sign up. Illinois is organizing 3 trips.
TRIP #1 (Jan. 10-18). TRIP #2 (Jan. 10-11). TRIP #3
(Jan 17-18)


2. If you can#8217;t go to Iowa, consider sponsoring
another Kucitizen #8211; Click#160; here.

#160; 3. Phone banking help to contact Iowans from the
comfort of your home #8211; Contact John Laesch (309)
314-1794 / jlaesch11 at hotmail.com


4. Write letters to Iowa citizens and the media #8211;
Contact Shoshana Fanizza (847) 836-4980
kanekucinich at sbcglobal.net

#160;The Illinois DK-2004#160;Team

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