[Peace-discuss] prompting theater help

Brian Hagy bhagy at urbana.indymedia.org
Sat Jan 17 13:17:39 CST 2004

Howdy folks!

The Prompting Theater, a local theater troupe comprised of adults with
developmental disabilities (who bring to Urbana the annual Street Theater
Festival), is needing a bit of assistance with an upcoming fundraiser at
the beginning of February.

We are wanting to find donations that we can use to raffle/auction off at
the fundraiser.  such donations could include:  gift certificates to local
businesses, artwork (paintings, cd's, candles, etc), donated services
(massage, excercise, babysitting, yoga lesson, cleaning, etc), or anything
that would be fun to have as an auction/raffle prize.

All funds from the event (which by the way, is going to be a dinner
theater show...in which the show is an hour review of the past 8 years of
performances of the Prompting Theater...a Complete Works of the Prompting
Theater in an hour sort of comedy) will be used to assist with this year's
Prompting Theater's 4th Annual Street Theater Festival in downtown Urbana
This year's festival is going to include more theater venue and
actors than previous festivals....so a hot time in the old town that

So, any leads, or donations that people could offer to the Prompting
Theater for this fundraiser will be most helpful, and greatly appreciated.
Also, since the Prompting Theater is part of Developmental Services
Center, a local not-for-profit organization which supports people with
developmental disabilities, all donations to the Prompting Theater are tax
deductible (DSC is a 501 (c)3 organization).

Thank you in advance for any assistance!

Brian Hagy
Director of the Prompting Theater
and all around clown

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