[Peace-discuss] minutes 1.25.04

Lisa Chason chason at shout.net
Sun Jan 25 23:17:35 CST 2004

AWARE minutes 
January 25, 2004

Linda facilitated for what she said would be the last time for a while (many, many thanks to you). Mort will take over next week -- although he won't actually be there next week and will have to find someone else to cover for him. He will however be handling the agenda so if you have anything do send it to him...
apologies for these being very sketchy notes.

News of the Week by Carl -- will post separately.

Next in series Understanding the Times We are In -- Global Institutions: What are they good for? Presentation by Michael Goldman, professor of sociology, UIUC. Focus on World Bank, IMF and WTO -- how they work and how social movements around the world are challenging them. Sunday, Feb 8, 3-5pm at IMC. Will need help with refreshments. People took fliers to post. Lisa will send out publicity.

Discussed Education or Incarceration conference that took place Thursday-Saturday. Overall feeling that it was very impressive event. Carol will contact Stephen Hartnett, one of the main organizers, to see if he can speak at next week's AWARE mtg. There we will discuss cooperating on ideas raised at the conference.

Prospect for Peace -- next time we'll be out there is in 2 weeks -- Saturday, Feb 7 (1st Saturday of the month), 2 - 4pm. 

WILL -- working grp hasn't finalized proposal yet. As soon as it does, will report.

Benefit funds -- our benefit raised $1600. Half was to go to Oxfam-Iraq and half to local Red Cross, earmarked to help families of local servicepeople. Linda reported that there is a new director at the Red Cross who is saying (1)they don't want any publicity about us giving them the money and (2)they can't guarantee the money will be handled as was originally agreed (person who made commitment was mistaken). Do we give them the money anyway, since that's what we collected it for, or acknowledge that the situation has changed and choose another local organization, or perhaps give it all to Oxfam? Or to Red Crescent (but that's not local...)? In any case, a letter should be written to the Red Cross explaining what happened and what we decide to do. Linda will discuss with working group and report back.

Fun & Games -- highlighting the rediculousness of Homeland Security being on the look out for almanacs. Working Group is looking at other ideas as well. Noted that "you can do anything to American people as long as you scare them enough." But how to talk about this -- want to be satirical and amusing but deeper issues are harder to get at...

Finances -- $2196.04, with $1600 from benefit held separately to give out asap.

Next meeting -- there will be a speaker at Channing-Murray from Honduras on Thursday. There are plans for that speaker to address the AWARE mtg on Sunday. The person involved with arranging this needs to confirm and get back to Mort who is preparing next week's agenda. Carol will be contacting Stephen Hartnett about speaking as well. Mort will then have to decide how to handle the engagements.

We need facilitators for upcoming meetings. Please contact Mort if you can help with this.

Idea for future activity -- look into voting machines issue. There is a bill in congress (HB 2239) about alternatives, including non-proprietary software. See www.verifiedvoting.org 

Upcoming events:
Feb 26 -- Socialist Forum. Primary elections and issues not likely to be discussed by candidates. Illini Union rm 404. Mort will post program.

March 6-7. Amnesty International on local solutions to global problems.

notes submitted by Lisa Chason
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