[Peace-discuss] [Fwd: GW Bush, soft on terrorists]

Dlind49 at aol.com Dlind49 at aol.com
Mon Mar 8 15:02:53 CST 2004

I find it astonishing that any comparison is still made because the current 
battle plans for invasion of Iraq go back to at least 1995 and the invasion of 
Afghanistan was based on Feb 12, 1998 congressional discussion to overthrow 
the Taliban because they refused to go along with UNICOL's oil plans.  If you 
look at numerous unclassified DOD - CIA- independent reports niether Iraq nor  
al-Qaida have ever been an actual threat.  The hype just set up and justified 
two illegal invasions that were preplanned.  Then when you add the Balkans 
(mineral - read lead- resource control) we just have continued 
geopolitical-economic control actions that have been justified by scaring individuals.    The sad 
part is whether it was Clinton/ Gore, now Bush, or maybe Kerry nothing will 
actually change.  

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