Brooke Anderson brooke at shout.net
Mon Mar 8 16:11:38 CST 2004

Hi AWARE folks,

Here is information about the upcoming rally to eliminate Chief 
Illiniwek. Would AWARE folks consider getting together sometime 
before the rally and all going to the rally together, perhaps with a 
sign that says "AWARE against the Chief" or something like that? Let 
me know what y'all think!


                 Wednesday, March 10th, 2004 at 8p.m.
           <-- Note time change from original 6p.m. time -->
                South Patio of the Student Union, UIUC

Please join us for a RALLY TO ELIMINATE "CHIEF ILLINIWEK" on the eve 
of the University of Illinois Board of Trustees meeting on the 
Urbana-Champaign campus.

Help us send a strong message to the Board that the time is now, the 
"Chief" must go, and our campus and community stand united with 
Native peoples demanding an end to stereotypical representations of 
their people, culture, and religion.

  Speakers include:

    -- Charlene Teters, founder of the anti-"Chief" movement
    -- Leonard Malatare, Native American Education Services College
    -- Genevieve Tenoso and Siobhan Beaver, Native Students at UIUC
    -- Tulsi Dharmarajan, South Asian Collective
    -- Antar Jackson, Artists Against Racism
    -- A representative, Student NAACP
    -- Tracy Walsh, Progressive Resource/Action Cooperative
    -- And more!

And please help welcome Native American communities travelling from 
all over the Midwest by joining them at the Day of Honor on the UI 
Quad on the Eve of the Board of Trustees meeting.

Day of Honor and other events leading up to the BOT meeting:

    -- Wed at 12pm:      Prayers and pipe ceremonies
    -- Wed at 1pm:       Flag songs
    -- Wed at 2pm:       Press conference
    -- Wed at 4pm:       Open mic
    -- Wed at 8pm:       RALLY!
    -- Wed at 9pm:       All night vigil
    -- Thu at 7:30am:    Prayers and flag songs
    -- Thu at 8:30am:    Board of Trustees meeting (Union Rooms ABC)
       * all events (except the BOT meeting) are on the UIUC Quad

For more inforamtion, contact the PRC at (217) 352-8721 or prc at prairienet.org.


Brooke Anderson
Champaign County Health Care Consumers
44 E. Main St., Suite 208
Champaign, IL 61820
Phone = (217) 352-6533, x 17
Fax = (217) 352-9745
Email = brooke at shout.net

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