[Peace-discuss] Langenheim vs Gill

Randall Cotton recotton at earthlink.net
Fri Mar 12 19:50:05 CST 2004

Has anyone seen poll numbers on Langenheim vs. Gill? (15th district
congressional seat, to oppose Tim Johnson)

BTW, although Langenheim is often described as a "conservative" democrat
(even in this forum), if you check Project Vote Smart (vote-smart.org),
you'll see he's affirmed support for:

1. eliminating the death penalty (for federal crimes) (Gill did not)
2. Decriminalizing possession of small amounts of marijuana (Gill did not)
3. Much more progressive taxation across the board (Gill only supports
increasing taxes on $250,000+, leaving all else as is).
4. Much stronger gun control than Gill

So I'm not sure "conservative democrat" is a fair characterization.

My vote could depend on what poll numbers show, thus my query...

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