[Peace-discuss] two more CO's (one from Illinois) - a trend?

msimon at uiuc.edu msimon at uiuc.edu
Tue Mar 16 20:05:14 CST 2004

I still have a plastic briefcase full of CO/anti-militarism pamphlets from last summer.  I also have a short film - mostly focusing on minorities - about military recruiter lies.  They are at my home in Deerfield collecting dust, but if there is an interest in reviving the CO group, I'll bring them to Chambana when I return from break.

If someone else would like to be the keeper of CO info that would be cool.  

Remember also that there is a groogroo listserve (AWARE-co) set up specifically to address the issues of the CO and War Tax Resistance.  With sufficient interest, you may want to revive that as well... 

best, mike

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