[Peace-discuss] Robertson calls for Chavez assassination

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Tue Aug 23 18:32:28 CDT 2005

As you know, Robert, some of us consider ourselves theists and
also on the Left, altho' I contend that there are vast
problems with the definition of both of those terms.  I think
some of evangelicalism verges on heresy (heresy strictly
speaking is a moral delict –- a conscious choice against what
one knows to be true, out of malice -– and so that's not
involved here) -- in that it contains serious errors, errors
that I as a Catholic Christian want to argue with.  

I've argued on this list and so won't repeat what I think a
consistent usage of the term “Left” would be, and why
therefore most liberals (who, as Jefferson said, “fear and
distrust the people”) and, insofar as they still exist,
Leninists (right-wing Marxists), don't belong to it.  I want
to criticize them from the Left, from a libertarian socialist
or anarchist position.  (And here, as you know, Chomsky is my

I'm not sure what you mean when you say, “...those evangelical
Christians who are anti-war were shown the boot.”  There must
be good number of them around, when a majority of Americans
now think that we shouldn't have invaded Iraq, and a third of
the population think we should leave immediately.  And the
Left as I understand it has more trouble being charitable to
the New York Times than to “people who believe in a higher
power.”  I'm sure I agree with you more than I agree with Bill
Keller (executive editor of the NYT).

But what Robertson said was reprehensible.  I've read the text
and seen the clip (shown on Fox), and I don't think more
context would change it.  His call for Chavez' assassination
is particularly bad right now, with Rumsfeld just back from
the Andes, where he -– amazingly -– recycled all the old
propaganda about “exporting revolution” (now about Venezuela)
that the Reaganites used in order to murder Nicaraguans during
the 1980s.  (Rumsfeld of course was part of that.)  The US
government is very concerned about the region -– they'd
probably have troops there now if they hadn't made such an
unholy mess of Iraq -– and Robertson's vicious suggestion
plays into that.  His comment may simply be the result of
senile dementia, but he was mad and bad on similar things when
he was younger. 

One can support the goals of insurgent and revolutionary
movements without therefore having to approve of their every
tactic, in theory or practice.  One can support the
Palestinians and the Iraqi insurgency and yet think that
suicide bombing is a horrible crime. One can support the FARC
against the death squads the US has been running in Colombia
for years and still condemn the criminal murders of the AIM
members.  One can support the American Revolution and
nevertheless excoriate George Washington's massacre of Indians
during it. 

But can you tell me when and where Chavez -– an indigene
himself -- was “responsible for dozens of massacres of
indigenous peoples”?  I'm not aware of that and doubt they
occurred.  Last Columbus Day, Chavez' supporters in Caracas
pulled down a statue of Columbus, whom Chavez blamed for
ushering in a "genocide" of Indians. Two years ago, Chavez
rechristened the October 12 holiday as "Indian Resistance Day."

I entirely agree with you that the Left “should be trying to
get more evangelicals on their side” -- and that the Left has
been continually hijacked, ever since the word was first
coined, in the French Revolution.  Napoleon, who called
himself the liberal emperor, was one of the earliest and most
spectacular examples; unfortunately, it's not hard to think of
others.  A principal job of serious people on the Left is to
oppose its hijacking, not abandon it.

Dominus tecum, Carl

---- Original message ----
>Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2005 15:54:42 +0000
>From: "Robert Dunn" <prorobert8 at hotmail.com>  
>Subject: RE: [Peace-discuss] Robertson calls for Chavez
>To: baldwinricky at yahoo.com, peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net
>   well it all depends on what the religious left is
>   going to be doing. Oh, yeah, thats right if you
>   believe in God seriously are religious publicly in
>   defiance of the ACLU, then the Left hates you and
>   mocks you. Yeah, too bad those evangelical
>   Christians who are anti-war were shown the boot, the
>   left could have used them. But i now know why that
>   had to happen, The Left not only hates people who
>   believe in a higher power than the New York Times,
>   they think they are God!
>   who besides me actually saw him say that on the 700
>   club? That quote has been taken out of context. And
>   why is the Left so enthralled with this guy?
>   According to the American Indian Movement composed
>   of real Indians, not the fake Ward Churchill,
>   wannabee types, Chavez is responsible for dozens of
>   massacres of indigenous peoples, and supporting the
>   FARQ, which the LEFT worships at the altar
>   apparently, who was responsible for the murder of
>   Ingrid Washinawatok sp, a member of AIM.
>   Can someone answer those questions for me, and why
>   is the Left so hostile to religious people when it
>   actually should be trying to get more evangelicals
>   on their side? But, the atheistic materialistic,
>   moral relativistic folks who have hijacked the Left.
>   Robert in Southern Cal

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