[Peace-discuss] Possible topics for AWARE discussion.

Morton K. Brussel brussel at uiuc.edu
Fri Jul 15 11:33:04 CDT 2005

Challenging questions we may want to take up. --mkb

A Strategy for Ending the Iraq War
By Tom Hayden

In January 2005, a group of fifty peace activists from the Vietnam  
and Iraq eras issued a global appeal to end the war (online at http:// 
www.alternet.org/waroniraq/20996/). The appeal proposed undermining  
the pillars of war (public opinion, funding, troop recruitment,  
international allies) and building the pillars of peace and justice  
(an independent anti-war movement linked to justice issues, a  
progressive Democratic opposition, soldiers and families against the  
war, a global network to stop the US empire). This is an update on  
implementation of the strategy.

Among friends and local activists, practice discussion of these  
multiple scenarios with plans for responding to each:
1. Status Quo/Quagmire. How do we expand local anti-war coalitions,  
and double membership of local groups, going into the 2006 elections?
2. Bush escalates (e.g. sends more troops, invades Syrian border,  
bombs Iran, resumes draft). In any of these cases, is more radical  
action called for? How will it impose a cost on Bush, how will it  
expand the movement?
3. Bush mimics Nixon, promises peace, withdraws 10,000 troops as Iraq  
adopts constitution and elects new government. Would this defuse the  
anti-war movement going into 2006? Or will we be in a mode to keep on  
the offense? How will we argue that the strategy will not bring peace?
4. What do you need to respond? In each scenario, what resources or  
adaptations does your local group need to respond?

Tom Hayden was a leader of the student, civil rights, peace and  
environmental movements of the 1960s. He served 18 years in the  
California legislature, where he chaired labor, higher education and  
natural resources committees. He is a professor at Occidental  
College, Los Angeles and a contributor to Foreign Policy In Focus  
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