[Peace-discuss] Fox News: Blair admits Al Qaeda does not exist!

Chuck Minne mincam2 at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 19 09:01:03 CDT 2005

Friday, July 15, 2005

LONDON — News reports said authorities in Britain identified the fourth suspect Thursday in last week's deadly London attacks and police acknowledged the blasts were homicide bombings on the same day the nation silently paid tribute to the victims. 

Sky News said police identified the fourth bomber as Lindsey Germail, a Jamaican-born Briton in his 30s who may have been responsible for the blast at King's Cross station. Metropolitan Police Commissioner Ian Blair (search) declined to comment on the report.

However, Blair confirmed to the public for the first time that police believe all four blasts were homicide bombings.

"You don't need to be a suicide bomber in a liberal democracy. They have chosen to be," Blair told the Foreign Press Association.

Blair said police believe "that we know who the four people carrying the bombs were ... and we believe they are all dead."

"We are as certain as we can be that four people were killed and they were the four people carrying bombs," Blair added.

Commenting on the possible role of Al Qaeda, Blair said, "Al Qaeda is not an organization. Al Qaeda is a way of working ... but this has the hallmark of that approach."

"Al Qaeda clearly has the ability to provide training ... to provide expertise ... and I think that is what has occurred here," Blair said.

Reuters reported that Germail was linked to a house police searched in Aylesbury on Wednesday evening.

Police on Thursday raised the death toll from 52 to 54.

Reports also said police were focusing on a fifth suspect in the attacks who is said to be a British suspect and the possible mastermind of the attacks.

Meanwhile Thursday, office workers wordlessly filled the streets, construction workers removed their hard hats and London's famous black cabs pulled to the side of the road as Britain silently paid tribute to the 54 dead and 700 wounded from four terrorist bombs that struck a week ago Thursday.

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