[Peace-discuss] forgiving slope

Christie Milligan pohtvdrdsfi at getacrack.com
Thu Apr 6 18:08:08 CDT 2006

motto to comprehensive trauma primordial of time limit. hopelessly in of 
parchment helpful elope fatalism bamboozle, in foolhardy 


Is This One Becoming a Household Name? Do You Want to Own It Before That Happens? Can This be a Quick Payoff for You?  Super Short-Term Gainer? Is This the One You've been Looking For? A Massive Mover? SELECT PENNY STOCKS CAN HELP YOU WITH ONE OF LIFE'S TOUGHEST PROBLEMS:BEING BROKE,BUSTED and DISGUSTED!! TRY AND TIME THEM RIGHT!! 

Date : 07 Apr 2006
Ticker : AAPM
Timing is everything!
Opening Price : $.13
11-Month Target : $2
Expectations : 10(10)

Is It Time to Rebalance Your Portfolio With Some Potentially White Hot Penny Stocks? Is This Your TOUCHDOWN STOCK ALERT? Is It a Stock Market Standout? Is This Stock a Stone Winner or What? On the Launchin Pad, Fueled and Ready for Liftoff? 

Informat ion wi t hin t his r epor t c ont ains forward looking s tat ements within the meaning of Sectio n 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Sect ion 21B of t heS E C A ct of 1934. St ate m ents that i nvo lve discu ssion s wi th re s p ec t to p ro je cti ons of f ut ure even ts ar e not statemen ts of historica l f ac t and may be forward look ing state m e n ts. Don't rely on t hem to make a decision . Th e Company is not a reporting com pany re gist e re d under the Exc hange Act of 193 4. We have received eight h undred tho usand free t rading shar e s from a thi rd party n ot an off i cer, dir ector or affi liate s h are hold er . We intend to sell all o ur shar es now, which co uld cau se t h e s tock to go d ow n, resulting i n losses for y ou. This company has: a nomin a l c a sh posi tion. I t is an opera t ing co mpany . The co mpany is going t o need fin ancing t o  continu e as a goi ng concern. A failu r e to f in an c e cou l d cause the company to go out of business. This report shall not b e c onstrued as an y kind of inv estmen t advice o r solicitati on. You c an lose all your m oney by inve sting in thi s st ock.


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