[Peace-discuss] Letter to DI

David Green davegreen84 at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 4 11:05:00 CDT 2006

John Bambanek claims that those on both sides of the
political divide—as understood by him—can no longer
discuss ideas or events, “only people.” While there is
ample evidence of this phenomenon on the right, there
is little on the left—that is, on the left that does
not include most of the Democratic Party and the
“liberal media.” Bambanek offers no examples, and
apparently has not looked for counter-examples. He
claims Cindy Sheehan’s “ideas are beyond reproach.”
Says who? Those who call for immediate withdrawal
simply agree with her. He claims that some who oppose
social security reform call it a plot to “kill old
people.” Says who? A mountain of evidence has shown
that it is a healthy program, and privatization is in
the interest of the rich and investment bankers. Does
Bambenek care to set an example by engaging facts? No,
too much trouble, easier to generalize about groups,
rather than address facts, ideas, and class interests.
He pleads that we “grow up and discuss ideas.” Is
there a substantial idea, supported by facts and
logic, to be found in any of Bambenek’s columns? I
fail to see one through all his transparent “middle
ground” posturing.

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