[Peace-discuss] Beheader-in-Chief

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Sun Jul 2 22:45:52 CDT 2006

[At the meeting tonight some surprise was expressed -- not to  put too 
fine a point on it -- over a story I mentioned about our 
Commander-in-Chief.  The source was Ron Suskind's book, "The One Percent 
Doctrine: Deep Inside America's Pursuit of Its Enemies Since 9/11." 
Time magazine's summary is below.  --CGE]

Suskind reports new details on Delta Force's shipment of a hatbox-sized 
container to Dulles Airport in Washington's Virginia suburbs in 
mid-2002. The round metal box, Army green with "US GOVERNMENT" 
emblazoned in yellow, purportedly contained the severed head of 
Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden's top deputy. He supposedly had been killed in 
December 2001, and buried in an Afghan riverbed. With a $25 million 
bounty on his head, Afghan tribal chiefs provided the jawless head to 
the U.S. military. The skull, Suskind reports, still had a bit of skin 
attached to its crown when the container finally was opened inside a 
room at Dulles, and its forehead had an indentation, consistent with a 
lifetime of pressing one's head against stone or dirt to highlight one's 
commitment to Allah. "If it turns out to be Zawahiri's head, I hope 
you'll bring it here," Bush told his briefers — "half in jest," Suskind 
writes. But DNA testing ultimately revealed the skull wasn't Zawahiri's. 
It was shipped off to an FBI warehouse on Staten Island.


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