[Peace-discuss] Re: Peace-discuss Digest, Vol 29, Issue 24

John Bambenek jcb.blog at gmail.com
Wed Jun 21 13:33:23 CDT 2006

My stance is being wrong is not the same as lying.  Nice try.
Sleep depriving someone is different than cutting off their toes or
raping their wife.  Nice try.
Data-mining is not wiretapping Joe Citizen.  OF COURSE, we're spying
on Al Qaeda.
Extraordinary rendition might be kidnapping if there was no reason to
apprehend them to begin with.  Have we grabbed completely innocent
people, known we've done it, and then ship them off randomly?
War prisoners can be locked up as lock as hostilities continue.  We're
still fighting in Afghanistan, eventually we'll leave or they'll
leave.  Then those prisoners can go home.  International law is VERY
clear that we can not try them in civilian courts independent of the
fact there is no crime to charge them with.  Exactly how does US law
apply to people in Afghanistan shooting at US troops?  Would you
rather us just kill them in the field?  Or do you seriously expect
that we capture them, give them medical care, and return them to their
units to turn around and shoot us again?

Thank you for demonstrating my point that most of you on this list are
so completely detached from reality that you've adopted the
impeachment of Bush as your quest, and you'll take anything no matter
how insane and use that as a club.

Reality based community... right...

On 6/21/06, Dan Schreiber <dan at sourcegear.com> wrote:
> I see.  Your stance is:
> - Lying is not lying (claims of mushrooms clouds as our first warning and
> "we know where the WMD are", etc)
> - Torture is not really torture (clamping electrodes to private parts,
> instance of death due to mistreatment)
> - Wiretapping is not spying
> - Extraordinary Rendition is not kidnapping (look it up)
> - War prisoners can be locked up forever (since this war will never end)
> War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength, and all that.  You
> would be very comfortable living in Germany in the early 30's.
> I apologize to the list for engaging on this nonsense...
> Dan


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