[Peace-discuss] Hatred # 2

Tracy Nectoux tnectoux at uiuc.edu
Fri Jun 23 15:09:34 CDT 2006

Bob Illyes wrote:
> I had the same initial reaction as Karen, and wasn't quite sure
> what you meant till you spelled it out.

It's understandable that people whose moral compass is founded on
tolerance, pacifism, and doing no harm will have negative reactions to
the word "hate," simply because people so often act on this emotion, and
the outcome is usually horrible.  As I said, I'm not afraid to hate, but
I (hopefully) don't act on my feelings in a negative way.  At least I
try not to.  I think it's completely normal (and moral, even) that a
person's main emotion to the Bush administration is hatred.  What our
moral *reaction* should be, however, is debatable. :-)


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