[Peace-discuss] now is different; all they have to do is ask and we'll leave

Morton K. Brussel brussel4 at insightbb.com
Sun Mar 12 00:05:38 CST 2006

I can't make much sense of these two remarks.

1) Iraqis have been walking around with weapons since the U.S.  
aggression began. What do they think the resistance/insurgents were  
all about? Now, it may be worse only because of the militias spawned  
as a result of U.S. actions there, some no doubt financed and/or  
supplied by the U.S.. No one knows what will happen if the U.S.  
leaves---which I doubt it will do willingly--but since the United  
States forces are the cause of the chaos there, I  do not believe  
that it will get worse if they leave. The United States has an  
interest in a weak and fragmented Iraq, a divide and control  
strategy, despite the hypocrisy of its pronouncements. Can anyone  
who's been paying attention seriously believe anything that comes out  
of U.S. pronouncements?

2) This is extremely naive; the polls show that indeed the Iraqis in  
their generality want the U.S. occupation ended. Only the Kurds would  
like to see them stay. Even the so called sovereign government, set  
up under the U.S. boot, has indicated that the U.S. should leave. The  
U.S. doesn't give a damn about what the Iraqis think on this  
question, and has widely rejected international laws, Geneva  
conventions, etc. . We came to Iraq with intentions to control the  
area and all it effects internationally; we're not likely to  
relinquish those levers of control.


On Mar 11, 2006, at 9:51 AM, karen medina wrote:

> I just thought I would throw these two out as discussion topics:
> 1) AWARE is now encountering people who say that now that there are  
> armed people (Iraqis and some outsiders) walking around with guns  
> and more powerful arms, that withdrawing US troops would be even  
> worse than staying; and some of these comments are coming from  
> former strong believers that the US should withdraw.
> 2) A second criticism is that "if the Iraqis really wanted us out,  
> all they would have to do is say so and we would have to leave by  
> International law."
> -karen medina
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