[Peace-discuss] Urbana National Guard troops coming home tomorrow

Randall Cotton recotton at earthlink.net
Wed May 3 13:12:25 CDT 2006

Sorry I missed the last AWARE meeting (I was in Chicago).

I heard Urbana's National Guard troops (Headquarters Company, 2nd battalion,
130th infantry) are coming home *tomorrow*. I called the National Guard office
in town and was told that they will arrive at the National Guard Armory from
Willard at 11AM, where there will be a welcoming event.

Was this discussed at the last meeting? Is anyone available to welcome them with
signs along the lines of our billboard wording (Welcome home, glad you're back,
now let's bring everyone else home)? I'm available. Are signs ready or do they
need to be made?

Haven't seen the News-Gazette yet, I would imagine that might provide more


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