[Peace-discuss] move on house party thursday...

Robert Naiman naiman.uiuc at gmail.com
Wed May 24 20:03:31 CDT 2006

Dear Peaceniks,

some of you might be on the move on list. on thursday (tomorrow) they are
having house parties around the country, with the stated purpose of
developing issue priorities for MoveOn campaigns. (eg universal health care,
US troops out of Iraq...)

Obviously, this is a topic in which we have some interest...

So, in order to try to have some influence, I agreed to host the party. some
of you might want to attend. I live at 802 E. California in Urbana (NE
corner of California and Webber, across the street from RickyB.) Please let
me know if you will be coming. It's scheduled to last exactly one hour, from
7-8 pm. 344-3354.

Robert Naiman
Just Foreign Policy
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