[Peace-discuss] Adams Billboard

esbensha at uiuc.edu esbensha at uiuc.edu
Thu May 25 12:45:21 CDT 2006

One question: if we pay full price can we put up what we want?
(probably not, but it might be worth asking)

I'm also having thoughts that harken back to my days on the
Billboard Alteration Team in Santa Cruz 20 years ago (OK, we
did one billboard--but it was a great success!) I guess to pay
for a billboard and then alter it to our liking is a bit
contradictory, though it also has a certain logic given the
circumstances. (This is all purely hypothetical, of course . . .)

Rick Esbenshade
Richard S. Esbenshade
Ph.D Candidate, History
University of California, Santa Cruz

506 W. Michigan Ave.
Urbana, IL  61801

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