[Peace-discuss] Coalition of Immokalee Workers in C-U Oct. 17

Ricky Baldwin baldwinricky at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 9 14:29:14 CDT 2006

Hi folks-

Many of you may have already heard that these
wonderful people are passing thru again.  More details
are coming soon, but I just wanted to make sure you
were aware of the basics.

Last time we had a potluck meal with them and saw
their video on conditions in the Florida fields
(abysmal! appalling!) and McDonalds' campaign against
the tomato pickers trying to improve their lot.

This time they'll be talking in various settings -
classrooms, a picket, a potluck, etc -  again about
conditions in the fields, tomatoes, and McDonald's and
Chipotle restaurants.

There will be an informational picket/protest at a
local restaurant - either a McDonald's in town or the
Chipotle on campus - around 5pm.

The meal will follow, and there will be an educational
event around 8pm.

Unfortunately some of this conflicts with Karen
Yarbrough events, but that's when she could come and
that's when they are passing thru this region.  Can't
be helped.  These things happen.

I hope you will all come to what you can - and of
course, if you can help in any way to put together the
CIW events, that would be greatly appreciated.  Just
let me know if you want to help.  And thank you in
davance for your patience, your attendance and any

Si se puede!

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