[Peace-discuss] Invisibility

Chuck Minne mincam2 at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 23 15:00:09 CDT 2006

I have no scientific expertise whatsoever, none.
  However, I do have beliefs, and one is that global warming has us doomned. I feel that even if all the remedial/preventative steps that have been suggested as solutions were implemented completely immediately, they would be insufficient to save us. I may be completely wrong, but I think not.
  Further, I think that sooner or later that those who really control things may not necessarily see it my way, but at least realize that global warming is real and has us in deep shit. Then I suspect that the panac, relocation, land-grabbing and killing will really begin – amidst utter confusion. Peace-lovers in low-lying coastl regions may become warriors.
  I do think that there is a chance, maybe a pretty good one, that science will bail us out. Not with an existing technology, but with something new. Perhaps an invisibility cloak of some kind – bending part of the suns rays around the earth might do it. I don’t know. When I was a boy, the idea of a man walking on the moon was utter insanity.
  If science is to bail us out, there is a good chance the ideas will eminate from some university science lab. Since the overwhelming portion of university science is funded in one way or another by defense sepnding – well, you can see where I am going. Ironic, isn’t it?
  I’m sure the military would love to control the weather. So would a lot of peace-lovers.
  P.S. It is my guess that the world’s biggest single contributor to the atmosphere’s carbon load is the US Military. Just a guess.

Bob Illyes <illyes at uiuc.edu> wrote:
  The invisible plane stuff looks like a scam, designed to divert
federal funding to yet another defense contractor(s). It isn't
really hard to make something invisible from one point of view-
mirrors handle this quite nicely if set up right.


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