[Peace-discuss] Anti-Lactating Feminazis

John Bambenek jcb.blog at gmail.com
Thu Sep 7 14:35:07 CDT 2006

I didn't seek to characterize who supports breastfeeding (at least not
as a total demographic analysis) except to say that the designated
official boogeymen of American society (the Religious Right who are to
blame for everything) is more in the pro-breastfeeding side and
certainly can't be seriously considered a foe of it.

What I did seek to hypothesize is that the "Sex and the City"
feminists, which I defined in the article, (aka not all feminists) who
do characterize children as a burden (sometimes couched in language
saying they are how men oppress women) are the ones who would be more
uncomfortable with breastfeeding. It reminds them of something that
they deny as a first principle, that there is something called "woman"
that is distinct from "man" and part of that distinction is motherhood
which breastfeeding represents.

Of course, David, you just got to the byline before running off with
your attacks that don't, in any way, address the substance of the

Ironically, I continue to find myself defending the religious right (a
group I'm not a part of) from the likes of you who continue to blame
them for everything despite the fact that maybe 10% of their ideas
become policy.

Part-Time Pundit - http://jcb.pentex-net.com
Owner of BlogSoldiers - http://www.blogsoldiers.com

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