[Peace-discuss] Rove dove?

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Mon Aug 13 09:54:33 CDT 2007

In an interview in the WSJ this morning, Bush's political mentor Karl 
Rove announces he's leaving the WH at the end of the month.

The clever Ana Marie Cox writes in a Time magazine blog, "Sure, it's 
tempting to speculate that Rove is leaving because, finally, there's 
some kind of investigation (just reach into the Congressional Record and 
pick one) that's made his stay at the White House untenable. Here's a 
slightly different conspiracy theory: SOMETHING ELSE VERY BAD IS ABOUT 
TO HAPPEN... OR ALREADY HAS. And everyone covering the White House will 
be too busy div[in]ing the meaning of Rove's scattered entrails to notice."

I think she may be right.  It's odd that the leading neocons don't seem 
to have been party to his decision to leave.  The blog thinkprogress.org 
notes, "...Bill Kristol never saw it coming. On Fox News this morning, 
Kristol said: 'Karl’s departure is pretty sudden and for me, pretty 
surprising ... Karl Rove loves politics. He’s awfully smart. And 
September’s going to be an awfully big month for the presidency. It’s 
odd that he’s not going to be there.'"

The worst case I can think of would be that Rove was on the side in the 
administration that said that it will be a  disaster for Bush's 
reputation, the Republican party, and incidentally the world, if the US 
attacks Iran -- and that that side has now lost out to the Cheney 
faction.  Of course I hope that's not so.  --CGE

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