[Peace-discuss] AWARE meeting minutes for August 12, 2007

Karen Medina kmedina at uiuc.edu
Thu Aug 16 18:26:59 CDT 2007

AWARE Meeting Minutes for Sunday August 12, 2007
Meeting started sometime around 5pm. 
Durl Kruse facilitated
Karen Medina took minutes (I actually arrived about 15 minutes late due to a party for the Prairie Monk.)
21 people were present. 

News of the Week
Carl Estabrook was not present. 
I arrived late, so am not sure what was discussed.

Paul McCreary was visiting from Washington state where he is now teaching at EverGreen, Tacoma Campus. 
Joe Futrelle.
Rosa, an exchange student from Austria. She is studying the history of science.
Chad from the Red Herring.
Lisa from the Red Herring.

Working Groups
* Jan paid 3 months rent, which will take us through November 2007.
* 3 outstanding bills to be paid soon.
* Income from Farmer's Market: $56

Main Event: 
* Pamela asked about the possibility of moving away from the construction.
* Durl said that he prefers the construction as the one lane makes it really easy to flier all cars.
* Karen mentioned that she herself never drives south on Neil St., so there could be corner that might be better travelled.
* Durl said that we could always hold other events in other locations, but that it is better to keep the Main Event where everyone knows we are. 

Farmers Market:
* Pamela said that someone complained about the cost of the "Impeach" yard signs, which is $7.
* Jan said the actual cost for each sign is $7.50, so we are already loosing money on them.
* Joe asked who the sign provider was.
* Jan said it was a company called "Culture workers" and that we get a 15% discount. [I did not get a chance to check the company's name]
* Joe mentioned that the Greens had a source for inexpensive signs. The source is union and uses recycled materials. He will ask the Greens for the contact and get back to us.
* The sign up sheet was passed around. 
* August 18 (upcoming Saturday)[schedule was sent out Thursday August 16; we could use another person for the 11am-noon shift]
* No Farmers Market table on August 25th because we are tabling the Sweet Corn Festival from 11am-11pm.

Sweet Corn Festival is coming up
* AWARE will have a table there on Saturday August 25th, 11am-11pm
* 2 hour slots
* There will not be a Farmer's Market table that day.

AWARE Presents
* Durl: Meeting this Wednesday, August 15 2007, 7pm at 2007 S. George Huff. 
* Durl: There have been several suggestions for things: torture, presenters of coverage of the war, ISU professor
* Barbara mentioned that the American Friends Service, the same people who created the Eyes Wide Open display of the boots, now has a "Costs of War" display that starts to travel in September. It has banners, is big, and would be great on the Quad.
* Linda Webber said [something, but I forgot to write it down]

* Bob I: Patrick Thompson trial has been delayed. He will keep us posted.
* Stuart: several things happened last Monday, [but he did not mention what meetings or events he was talking about so I am just assuming it was the sub-committee report on the local justice system where Steve Becket presented.] 
* Stuart: Jury disparity issues: not that many black people on juries, also the questions on the questionaire that is handed out at the driver registration center -- people may not be inclined to answer the questions, and the questions have absolutely no influence on whether the person would be eligible for jury duty -- questions like have you been convicted of a felony.
* Stuart: something about Julia Rietz (State's Attorney)
* Joe F.: Civilian (Citizen) Police Review Board passed in Urbana (Monday, August 6, 2007). Only 2 people voted against it: Lynne Barnes (Ward 7, Sunnycrest Court) and Heather Stevenson (Ward 6, Beringer Circle). 

Counter Recruitment: No report.

Student Groups
* Quad Day is coming up, Tuesday August 21st
   We'll need materials to hand out

* Barbara: Perhaps it is time to send out the message again that if/when the US invades Iran, there will be a demonstration that day at the announced location.
* Roger E: Ray Juarez, Iran War can be avoided.
* Cody: heard someone important say that the US will have to start the draft to get troops.
* A short discussion followed and we think it was the War Czar, Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute, that said this [in an interview with National Public Radio's "All Things Considered."]
* Durl: 48,000 private security; 200,000 overall.
* Conrad: Coordinating is a good idea.
* Jan: Friend of xxxxxxxx said that real estate market in Tehran has dropped -- nobody wants to buy anything if the US is going to attack soon.
* Gary: Re-activating the demonstration message with location is a good idea.
* Barbara: [something about] signs. [I forget whether she was saying that there are indications that a possible invasion is getting closer, or if having signs at an anti-Iran-invasion demonstration would be helpful. But I think both would fit here.]

* Cory: What is this working group?
* Conrad: Mennonites are going to have Barbara lead a workshop. She has materials and information.
* Barbara: resources: Alfred McCoy ["A Question of Torture"], Lagouranis [Former Army interrogator Tony Lagouranis, author of "Fear Up Harsh"] 
* Conrad: Psychologists' associations are taking conflicting stands on torture. American Psychological Association (APA) has taken a stand against torture ["absolute opposition to all forms of torture and abuse regardless of the circumstance"] ..., others disagree. (see Amy Goodman's article http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/20070605_a_hypocritical_oath_psychologists_and_torture/ )
* Joe W: "Enhanced Interrogation"
* Linda W: APA has anti-war group

Old Business
[none were mentioned]

New Ideas
1) Durl: "Welcoming Everyone to the Table" at Channing-Murray has asked for co-sponsorship.
   A panel discussing things like the New Sanctuary Movement
   Wednesday September 12 2007, 7pm
   Pot-luck at 6pm.
   Sponsorship passed.

2) Gary: Blackwater, should this be set as one of the priorities of AWARE Presents?
   Bob I: 1)Iran; 2)Blackwater; major threat
   N-G articles about the University of Illinois's involvement with Blackwater: 
      Today (Sunday, August 12 2007) Dempsey's letter (narcotics);
      August 1 (Wednesday) Local section
   Roger: timing is good. There are questions to ask of those who make decisions. Assessing the provost.

3) Cody: Going to be a huge protest in DC on September 15 [Potreus]. Is there a bus going? 
   [ANSWER is promoting the demonstration.]
   [It is to be a large antiwar protest timed to coincide with the report by General Petraeus on the "Surge" in Iraq.]
   Joe F.: He is planning on going to DC for this.
   Durl: The march could be a One Main focus.

4) Karen: Dahr Jamail, ISO has invited him to come and asked for co-sponsorship. October 28. 7pm.    
   [see "Dahr Jamail's MidEast Dispatches" http://www.dahrjamailiraq.com/ ]
   [He is an independent journalist in Iraq]
   [He has a book coming out entitled "Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches from an Unembedded Journalist in Occupied Iraq" with a forward by Amy Goodman]
   [ISO, the people who invited Dahr Jamail, are the International Socialist Organization, including people like Martin Smith]
   [Martin says: "We definitely need help raising money for an honorarium.  We are not asking for any set amount of money--but are hoping to get contributions of any amount from a number of sources.  Thus, whatever AWARE could afford and put forth would be greatly appreciated.  As well, all cosponsors would be recognized on the flyer and at the meeting--and, of course, could set up a table to pass out literature at the event itself.  Yes, we'd hope that you could promote the event in any way possible."]  

5) Joe F.: 2 things missing on AWARE's radar: Immigration and the Drug War. 
   Barbara: The New Sanctuary panel at Channing-Murray is about Immigration. Rev. Mike Mulberry is very involved in this. AWARE supports Rev. Mulberry and Jobs With Justice and events like this.
   Joe F. was happy to be pointed to the "New Sanctuary Movement" 
   Jan K: Also there are house parties about this

6) Roger: We need a place to know about all events.
   Conrad offered to create such a list.

Past Events
Monday (August 6) Hiroshima Day Vigil (nobody mentioned attending).
Thursday (August 9) the Walkers 4 Peace came through. Group included 4 walkers. 8 people stayed at Jay Mittenthal's house.
Saturday (August 11) the Illinois Veterans' Caravan called "Veterans Speak Out" came through C-U and had an event at the War Memorial in Urbana.
Comments about these events: 
* The media was absent for both these. 
* Plus we barely knew about the veterans event.
* The veterans group had good speakers (Barbara called them "the best" with a wide range of political views). Would like to bring them back again. Wide variety of views, but they were all anti-Iraq War.
* Conrad walked with the Walk 4 Peace group, and he realized that for every step he took, they had taken how many thousand? And they were still hoping to make it to DC before September 11.
* Also groups called "Veterans for Truth" and "Where's the Rage?" 
* Jan: N-G did have an article about the Walk 4 Peace people in Bloomington, but failed to acknowledge that they were coming through Champaign-Urbana.
Yesterday (Saturday, August 11), a protest at the Blackwater Western Illinois campus. The protest was organized by a group called "Clearwater", in contrast to the Blackwater name.

Upcoming Events
Watch for These (no dates are set for these, but do watch for them):
* An email from the Iran Working Group, reminding us of the site for a demonstration if and when the US invades Iran.
* Anti-torture workshop at the Mennonite church. Barbara will be leading the workshop.

~~ from the middle of August 2007 ~~

Currently ongoing
"Us and Them" 
An on-going Art Installation by Prof. Thomas Albrecht of UIUC, "US and Them," that deals with the American and Iraqi deaths in the current war, is on display in Latzer Hall at the University YMCA. It is open to the public whenever the Y is open (except during lectures, movies and Communiversity dance classes). 
The artist will be adding to the piece each Monday at 10 a.m. The public is invited to witness the needed changes. 

August 13-20, 2007
University Y accepting donations for their Dump 'n Run
Drop stuff off at the U of I Stock Pavilion (1402 W. Pennsylvania, Urbana -- North of the cemetery, 3 Blocks East of  Memorial Stadium)
They will NOT accept the following: clothing, individual computer  monitors, artificial trees, video/audio cassettes, sleeper sofas,  sinks, tires, large appliances (stoves, washers, dryers), non-working  electronics, non-working computers and computer parts, exercise  equipment, and mattresses. 
All items will be sold at the YMCA's Annual Garage Sale

August 15, 2007
Patrick Thompson case.
His lawyers filed several motions. 

August 15, 2007 (Wednesday)
Die-In organized by high school students
Corner of Wright St. and Green St.
(Cody Bralts)
Expecting 50 high schoolers and WCIA
Red Shirts

August 15, 2007 (Wednesday)
AWARE Presents (working group meeting)
2007 S. George Huff, Urbana, IL

August 17, 2007 (Friday)
New Student Orientation session on political activism at Allen Hall on UIUC campus.
Allen Hall, South Rec Room (basement)

August 18, 2007 (Saturday)
Farmer's Market table (Lincoln Square parking lot in Urbana)
[we could use another person for the 11am-noon shift]

August 21, 2007 (Tuesday)
Quad Day table

August 22, 2007 (Wednesday)
Fall Semester begins for the University of Illinois

August 23-25, 2007
University YMCA's Annual Garage Sale
U of I Stock Pavilion (1402 W. Pennsylvania, Urbana -- North of the cemetery, 3 Blocks East of  Memorial Stadium)
Thursday, August 23 from 2pm - 9pm ($2 admission) 
Friday, August 24 from 10am - 6pm (FREE) 
Saturday, August 25 from 9am - 12pm ($3 bag sale) 
Want to volunteer? Please call Becca 337-1500 or  email becca(at)universityymca(dot)org to find out how you can help out! 

August 25, 2007 (Saturday)
Sweet Corn Festival table (no table at Farmer's Market)
Sign up for a 2-hour slot!

August 25, 2007 (Saturday)
Jobs with Justice (Central Illinois JWJ)
Steering Committee meeting.
2nd Floor of the IDF (Illinois Disciples Foundation)

~~ September 2007 ~~

"Costs of War" display begins to travel. We could invite it to come to Champaign-Urbana.
American Friends Service, the same people who created the Eyes Wide Open display of the boots, now has a "Costs of War" display that starts to travel in September

September 12, 2007 (Wednesday)
"Welcoming Everyone to the Table"
Channing Murray hosts a forum/panel on immigration and the New Sanctuary Movement
Panelists include Rev. Mike Mulberry. 
7pm Panel discussion
6pm Pot-Luck
AWARE is a co-sponsor for this event.

September 15, 2007 (Saturday)
Huge protest in D.C. to coincide with the report by General Petraeus on the "Surge" in Iraq. 
Interested in going? Contact Joe Futrelle and Cody Bralts.

September 20, 2007 (Thursday)
Film (title details coming soon)
IDF's Human Rights Film Series
1st Floor of the Illinois Disciples Foundation

September 27, 2007 (Thursday)
Film (title details coming soon)
IDF's Human Rights Film Series
1st Floor of the Illinois Disciples Foundation

~~ October 2007 ~~

October 5, 2007 (Friday)
"From Superpower to Besieged Global Power: Restoring Global Order After the Bush Doctrine's Failure"
Friday Forum Lecture
by Ed Kolodziej, Director, Center for Global Studies, UIUC 
Latzer Hall at the University YMCA
Description: The underlying assumption of the Bush Doctrine, that the United States is a superpower, capable of inducing others to bandwagon on administration policies and preferences for global order or to coercively compel the submission of opponents through the unilateral use of military force, has been revealed as gravely flawed. American interests and values can be protected and promoted only if American power is joined with other like-minded states and peoples.
This is part of the series called "Citizens Without Borders" which is the University YMCA's Friday Forum for Fall 2007.
All lectures are free and open to the public. 
Lunch served by the Thai restaurant in the Y may be purchased for $5.50 ($3.00 for students with a valid ID.) 

October 12, 2007 (Friday)
"The Responsibility to Protect Doctrine"
Friday Forum Lecture
by Evan Freund, President, Citizens for Solutions, Chicago Chapter 
Latzer Hall at the University YMCA
Description: Proposed to the international community originally by Canada, and proposed by Kofi Anan, this doctrine justifies intervention by international bodies in times of humanitarian crises around the world. 
This is part of the series called "Citizens Without Borders" which is the University YMCA's Friday Forum for Fall 2007.
All lectures are free and open to the public. 
Lunch served by the Thai restaurant in the Y may be purchased for $5.50 ($3.00 for students with a valid ID.) 

October 12 or 13, 2007 (Conrad said Friday the 13th, but Saturday is the 13th, so I might have the date wrong)
International Peace Day
Conrad: The Mennonites are planning an event at the Mennonite Peace Park on Springfield and Lincoln in Urbana

October 16 (Tuesday)
"The New Sanctuary Movement" 
Know Your University Lecture
by Rev. Mike Mulberry, Pastor, Community United Church of Christ 
Latzer Hall at the University YMCA
Description: Progressive religious groups are banding together again to offer sanctuary to U.S.A. immigrants. Learn of the local congregations involved, the risks, and the motivation behind their efforts.
This is part of the series "Know Your University" which is offered by the University YMCA every semester.
Lunch may be purchased for $6.00 ($3.00 for students with a valid ID.) [Note that this is $0.50 more than the Friday Forum price. I am not sure if the prices are correct.] 
Optional reservations can be  made by calling Johanne Bloch ( johanne at universityymca.org )at (217) 337-1500.

October 19, 2007 (Friday)
"Immigration and Human Security"
Friday Forum Lecture 
by Gale Summerfield, Director, Women and Gender in Global Perspectives, UIUC 
Latzer Hall at the University YMCA
Description: How are recent immigrants received in small towns and rural areas in the U.S. Midwest? What are the fears and the hopes, the difficulties and the prospects for both the new and  the established?
This is part of the series called "Citizens Without Borders" which is the University YMCA's Friday Forum for Fall 2007.
All lectures are free and open to the public. 
Lunch served by the Thai restaurant in the Y may be purchased for $5.50 ($3.00 for students with a valid ID.) 

October 25?, 2007 (Thursday?) 
"Ghosts of Abu Ghraib"
Film sponsored by the local Interfaith Alliance
During the same week, the National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT) is encouraging 1,000 congregations and communities to show "Ghosts of Abu Ghraib".
"Ghosts of Abu Ghraib" features the very disturbing photos of torture at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison. Acclaimed filmmaker, Rory Kennedy, digs beneath the headlines to investigate the psychological and political context in which torture occurred and asks the questions:
* How did torture become an accepted practice at Abu Ghraib?
* Did U.S. government policies make it possible?
* How much damage has the aftermath of Abu Ghraib had on America's credibility as a defender of freedom and human rights around the world?
This film is for mature audiences only. The images are graphic, and the interviews are intense. NRCAT believes that the film "Ghosts of Abu Ghraib" will help people understand of the nature of U.S.-sponsored torture and strengthen the resolve to end the torture.

October 28, 2007 (Sunday)
"Beyond the Green Zone"
presentation by (author) Dahr Jamail
7pm on campus (in a location to be announced)
ISO (Socialist Organization) is coordinating this. AWARE has been asked to co-sponsor.

~~ November 2007 ~~

November 2, 2007 (Friday)
"How Communities Can Maintain Vitality and Absorb New People and New Ideas" 
Lecture by Patrick Keenan, Professor, School of Law, UIUC 
Latzer Hall at the University YMCA
Description: Local communities often need to connect with newcomers from the global population. Refugees, victims of human trafficking, and others sometimes appear unannounced offering services or needing help.  What are helpful responses?
This is part of the series called "Citizens Without Borders" which is the University YMCA's Friday Forum for Fall 2007.
All lectures are free and open to the public. 
Lunch served by the Thai restaurant in the Y may be purchased for $5.50 ($3.00 for students with a valid ID.) 

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