[Peace-discuss] Kucinich

Morton K. Brussel brussel4 at insightbb.com
Wed Aug 22 22:50:10 CDT 2007

This comes from the Kucinich campaign, so there's little reason to  
take this very seriously, but it's interesting.  --mkb

Kucinich moving up in Democratic Presidential 'horse race'

Winning handily in ABC News on-line poll following Sunday debate

August 21, 2007

DES MOINES, IA – If the quest for the Democratic nomination for  
President is a long-distance horse race, Ohio Congressman Dennis  
Kucinich, the self-described longshot Seabiscuit of the field, is  
steadily moving up on the front-runners.

In fact, as of this morning, Kucinich was winning the online ABC News  
poll following yesterday’s Democratic Presidential Forum in Des  
Moines, IA. In answer to ABC’s question "Who do you think won the  
Democratic debate," Kucinich received more than 10,000 on-line votes.  
U.S. Senator Barack Obama was second with more than 8,000; U.S.  
Senator Hillary Clinton was third with more than 5,000; U.S. Senator  
Joe Biden was fourth with about 3,200; and former Senator John  
Edwards was next with about 3,000. About 35,000 votes had been cast  
by 11 a.m. today.

Admittedly, the poll was unscientific, but it reflects a growing  
trend in which the Congressman has been highly rated – second or  
third in most cases – during the last several Democratic Presidential  

Following the HRC/LOGO presidential forum last week, Kucinich came in  
second (25%) behind Obama (46%) in an on-line poll among forum  
viewers. Clinton came in third with 14%, and Edwards scored only 5%.

Also last week, the candidates appeared at an AFL-CIO Democratic  
Presidential forum in Chicago that was televised on MSNBC. Following  
the debate, the network asked the on-line question: "Which Democrat  
will best represent labor?" Obama came in first with 24%. Kucinich  
and Edwards were tied at 22%. Clinton came in fourth at 17%.

At a PBS-televised forum at Howard University, some political  
analysts, notably Roger Simon of "Politico," rated Kucinich third  
behind Clinton and Obama.

And, in an ongoing "blind taste test" Internet poll in which  
respondents identify and rank the issues that are important to them,  
without knowing in advance where the candidates stand on those  
issues, Kucinich has been the runaway winner "on the issues" for the  
last several weeks.

The ABC results were especially encouraging to the Kucinich campaign  
because the Congressman was not even asked a question until 35  
minutes into the forum and received the least time on camera of any  
of the leading candidates.

At one point, in answer to a question about the role of prayer in the  
candidates’ lives, Kucinich quipped to moderator George  
Stephanopoulos, "George, I’ve been standing up here for 45 minutes  
praying that you would ask me a question."

Senior Kucinich campaign officials see the growing momentum as a sign  
that Kucinich’s key messages – withdrawal from Iraq, national not-for- 
profit health care, cancellation of job-killing foreign trade  
agreements, and expanded educational programs from early childhood  
through college – have begun resonating with American voters.

"The more people see the Congressman and hear what he has to say, the  
more impressed they are with him," the campaign said in a statement  
this morning. "He was the only Democrat who voted against the war  
before it began, the only one with legislation for a truly universal  
national health care plan, and the only one with the courage to  
cancel the North American Free Trade Agreement and withdraw from the  
World Trade Organization. He was right when it counted, and he’s been  
right along. People are beginning to notice."

# # #

Contacts: National Campaign HQ: Andy Juniewicz, (216) 409-8992,  
ajuniewicz at aol.com
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