[Peace-discuss] Kucinich says…

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Mon Aug 27 22:33:25 CDT 2007

But the Democratic leaders refuse to take steps effectively to end the 
war. They want to continue it, first because they agree with the overall 
policy -- U.S. control of ME energy resources -- of which it is a part; 
and second because it's a stick they can use to beat the Republicans 
with, since a majority of Americans are opposed to the war. They're 
hypocrites, as are their supporters who understand the situation. --CGE

Morton K. Brussel wrote:
>  “The democratic leaders can end this war now. They can go to president 
> Bush and say Mr. Bush, we appropriated 97 billion dollars at the 
> beginning of the summer for the war. That money can be used to bring the 
> troops home and to set in motion and international security and 
> peacekeeping force to stabilize Iraq. It does not take another vote. I 
> want you to know that. The democratic leaders have the responsibility 
> now to end the war now.”
>  From DemocracyNow!_______________________________________________

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