[Peace-discuss] Kucinich says...

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Wed Aug 29 06:17:24 CDT 2007

There was a series of purportedly anti-war "town meetings" (including 
one in Champaign) last night -- organized by the Democratic party -- 
that seemed to include a good number of people who have not noticed that 
fact, John.  Maybe they'll be edified by this morning's headlines, which 
point out almost casually that, by the way, Bush wants $50 billion more 
for the the Iraq war, and "Planned Request Signals Confidence That 
Congress Won't Prevail on Pullout" -- which, decoded, means that the 
Democrats won't make any  trouble about it. --CGE

John W. wrote:
> At 10:33 PM 8/27/2007, C. G. Estabrook wrote:
>> But the Democratic leaders refuse to take steps effectively to end the 
>> war. They want to continue it, first because they agree with the 
>> overall policy -- U.S. control of ME energy resources -- of which it 
>> is a part; and second because it's a stick they can use to beat the 
>> Republicans with, since a majority of Americans are opposed to the 
>> war. They're hypocrites, as are their supporters who understand the 
>> situation. --CGE
> *** This notion of Democratic hypocrisy bears repeating, Carl.  I hope 
> you'll remind us of it again from time to time.

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