[Peace-discuss] Kucinich says...

John W. jbw292002 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 19:15:16 CDT 2007

>Morton K. Brussel wrote, quoting Dennis Kucinich:

"The democratic leaders can end this war now. They can go to president Bush 
and say Mr. Bush, we appropriated 97 billion dollars at the beginning of 
the summer for the war. That money can be used to bring the troops home and 
to set in motion and international security and peacekeeping force to 
stabilize Iraq. It does not take another vote. I want you to know that. The 
democratic leaders have the responsibility now to end the war now."

 From DemocracyNow!

*** And Mr. Bush will no doubt say, "I see your point, Democratic 
leaders.  Yes, we CAN use that money to bring the troops home right now!  I 
only wish that someone had pointed it out to me before!"

At 10:33 PM 8/27/2007, C. G. Estabrook wrote:

>But the Democratic leaders refuse to take steps effectively to end the 
>war. They want to continue it, first because they agree with the overall 
>policy -- U.S. control of ME energy resources -- of which it is a part; 
>and second because it's a stick they can use to beat the Republicans with, 
>since a majority of Americans are opposed to the war. They're hypocrites, 
>as are their supporters who understand the situation. --CGE

*** This notion of Democratic hypocrisy bears repeating, Carl.  I hope 
you'll remind us of it again from time to time.


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