[Peace-discuss] Vigils

Morton K. Brussel brussel4 at insightbb.com
Thu Aug 30 16:17:58 CDT 2007

This is an extract from a talk by David Swanson


at a MoveOn sponsored gathering like the one held here.

Iraqi losses were acknowledged during the meeting. It should have  
been explicitly recognized at the vigil.

Swanson says "recognize, honor and consider", to which I would add  


…We are going to take turns reading some of the reports of U.S.  
military deaths in Iraq this year.

Before we do, I think we should take a moment to recognize, honor,  
and consider the Iraqis killed over the course of our occupation of  
their country.  The only scientific estimate, maintained by Just  
Foreign Policy, now places the figure of Iraqi deaths resulting from  
the invasion and occupation at 1,025,092.  I'll say that again:  
1,025,092.  Can we have a very brief moment of silence to recognize  
these victims of war.…
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