[Peace-discuss] focus 580 alert interrogator Goldberg propaganda

Paul Mueth paulmueth at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 6 08:41:24 CST 2007

All, Carl, Dave  and Mort particularly

I'm off on a mission across tundra - public I print
day  ot sure I'll be able to compose a
query/intervention .. . 

here's cockburn on goldberg,   a little on Remnick of
(the latter said his mag didn't have any articles
suggesting link between and alQuaida and Iraq  and
asserted pinochet was elected)

Hacks and Heroes: Meet the New Yorker's Goldberg; By
    Who's the hack? I nominate The New Yorker's
Jeffrey Goldberg. He's the new Remington, though
without the artistic talent. Back in 1898, William
Randolph Hearst was trying to fan war fever between
the United States and Spain. He dispatched a reporter
and the artist Frederic Remington to Cuba to send back
blood-roiling depictions of Spanish beastliness to
Cuban insurgents. Remington wired to say he could find
nothing sensational to draw and could he come home.
Famously, Hearst wired him, "Please remain. You
furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war."
Remington duly did so.  .. .. 

satire might be the best approah

cheney waved G's Halabja article around on Meet the Press

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