[Peace-discuss] AWARE minutes

Shara Esbenshade esbenshd at uni.uiuc.edu
Wed Jan 17 08:38:46 CST 2007

AWARE January 14, 2007
I. Financial Report Balance at $3130.00
II. Little Teapot workign group
Proposed restaurant: Japanese retaurant next to the Art theater in
downtown Champaign - meeting this week.
III. AWARE Presents
Next event: Reverend Mike Mulberry "I Have Seen the Future of America and
it is Mexico" on February 14
AWARE will cosponsor Peter Rohloff speaking at the Channing Murray on
February 7 "Re-evaluating International Aid Work: A Medical Case Study
from Guatemala"
IV. Counter Recruitment
Shara & COdy's article in progress
Durl will drop off copy of army recruiting promotional DVD at UHS so that
they will accept the counter-recruitment DVD as well.
Durl met with Dean Riley who was sympathetic and will get back to Durl
this week.
V. January 27th March
If there are highschool or college students who would like to go to the
march in Washington, AWARE will sponsor one or two with $50-$100 as long
as they come to an AWARE meeting, explain why they'd like to go and report
back on what it was like!
Parallel January 27 rally in C-U: Shara and Cody will be in charge of
organizing a One Main event, or possibly a protest in front of Johnson's
VI. March 17th Rally
We will have a local one

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