[Peace-discuss] Paragraph

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Tue Jul 3 13:37:43 CDT 2007

How would you have re-written it?

BTW, apparently several of the large oil companies were quite hesitant 
about the invasion, for the obvious reason -- it could mess up the 
pretty good deal they already had.  But in this case the overall 
strategic interests of the corporate economy were preferred by US 
planners to the wishes of even major corporations.

Bob Illyes wrote:
> Speculation #1:
> "The corporate economy drives America's criminal wars and occupations in 
> the Middle East."
> True:
> "Both Democratic and Republican administrations demand that the US 
> control Middle East energy resources -- even though we import very 
> little oil from the Middle East for use in the US"
> Speculation #2:
> "Because that gives the US control over America's principal economic 
> competitors, Europe and northeast Asia (China, South Korea and Japan)."
> -----------
> If you speculate, you can easily be wrong, as I think you are in this 
> case. The facts of our actions are completely damning. Why speculate? It 
> weakens your argument, and ties AWARE to positions on which we do not 
> have consensus.
> It would be easy to make this paragraph accurate, partly by labeling 
> speculation as such. Speculation #2 could be preceded by "Could it be 
> that". Speculation #1 could be made accurate by saying that several 
> sectors of the corporate economy benefit, and naming them (this would be 
> mostly oil and defense).
> Bob
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