[Peace-discuss] AWARE "disrespectful to...

Linda Evans veganlinda at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 10 13:04:23 CDT 2007

I was going to stay out of this since I do not attend
meetings at any sort of regular basis at this time,
but I want to make sure that it is clear that we are
all "key members" of AWARE.  We have people who come
and go and some who come, go, and come back.  This is
the nature of a group like AWARE.  We are all adults
and we all have tools to work with others and the
ability to come and go as we please.  We all make
decisions each day on how we are going to relate to
others.  I, for one, would love to see people let go
of the accusations of anyone chasing people out of
AWARE.  As in all volunteer organizations some people
are not going to work well together or some people
will have ill feelings toward others, but this does
not mean any one person is to blame. 

We will also not all agree on anything written with
the name AWARE.  I have been involved in a group
effort writing some of the literature years ago and I
didn't agree with every word of what I worked on, but
I don't feel the need to agree with every word.  AWARE
does not collect dues, AWARE doesn't have an official
membership list, AWARE is a group of people which is
very fluid.  Over the years we have gotten away from
the anarchy role model and I personally don't think
this is a good thing, but I am one voice and one who
doesn't attend meetings so I am happy to still support
AWARE as I can although I don't agree with everything
done or said in the name of AWARE.  If someone comes
up to me with AWARE literature in their hand and says
"do you agree with x" and I don't...I say "no, I
don't" just as I don't agree with everything said in
the name of any other group I'm a member of.  

That said, if AWARE starts to produce pro-war and
pro-racism literature, I will not support AWARE any
longer.  I don't see this happening and none of the
literature I've seen goes against the anti-war,
anti-racism stance.



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