[Peace-discuss] Clemons released from hospital

Neil Parthun lennybrucefan at gmail.com
Wed Jul 11 20:17:49 CDT 2007

Um, plenty of people have given accolades and condolences to the officers
(for example,
Is 300 people and being put in the local papers, local news stories and
having people in the community be vocal about it not enough for giving them

And how is having an independent Citizen Police Review Board such a bad
thing?  Having independent oversight over state organizations is effective.
After all, who polices the police?  It is a brutal bait and switch to demean
the CPRB by attacking Brian and using the "He didn't lionize the cop!"
statements as if it was a logical point being made against the creation of
an independent review board to review police activities.

We cannot expect people to have respect for law and order until we teach
respect to those we have entrusted to enforce those laws. -- Dr. Hunter S.

Don't mourn, organize!
                    x Neil x

You can't really be strong until you see a funny side to things.
[ken kesey, 1935-2001]

Keep your blood clean, your body lean and your mind sharp.
[henry rollins, 1961-]

Even though you can't expect to defeat the absurdity of the world, you must
make that attempt.  That's morality, that's religion.  That's art.  That's
[phil ochs, 1940-1976]

Neil Parthun || lennybrucefan at gmail.com || http://publici.ucimc.org
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