[CUCPJ Discuss] [Peace-discuss] Clemons released from hospital

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Wed Jul 11 22:07:59 CDT 2007

Yes, given the range of choices offered, how could they make such a 

Of course, they didn't -- three out of four eligible voters didn't vote 
for Bush-Cheney.

As for "continuing to defend them" -- have you noted Bush & Cheney's 
approval ratings lately?

And this in the face of the world's most extensive and expensive 
propaganda system -- corporate media, marketing, PR and the explicitly 
ideological institutions like universities.

Someone from Illinois pointed out even before that system was in place 
what you could do with some of the people all of the time, all of the 
people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.

John W. wrote:
> ...
> With "thinking" like Rob's, it's no wonder that our intrepid American 
> voters - the "Joe Sixpacks" that Carl likes to defend - not only elect 
> Neanderthals like Bush and Cheney, but continue to defend them for eight 
> interminable years.
> ...

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