[Peace-discuss] What would Dems do?

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Fri Jul 13 00:41:36 CDT 2007

	Former CIA chief analyses global terrorism
	Australian Broadcasting Corporation
	Broadcast: 09/07/2007
	Reporter: Ali Moore

Intelligence analyst Michael Scheuer, a 22-year CIA veteran, has been 
closely watching events involving terrorism around the globe. While in 
the CIA he anonymously authored two books that were highly critical of 
how the West has fought the war on terrorism. Mr Scheuer is in Australia 
for a major security conference and he spoke with Ali Moore.



ALI MOORE: What happens if after a presidential election you have a 
Democrat and a Democrat controlled Congress?

MICHAEL SCHEUER: You know, I don't think that much will change, really. 
They may pull out of Iraq, but American politicians across board from 
left to right are interventionists.* They think America needs to be 
involved anywhere, and the policies at issue here, support for Israel's 
dependence on foreign oil** and support for Arab despots and tyrannies, 
it's a shared policy in both American parties. So I don't expect there 
would be a great change...


*Cf. neocon Robert Kagan, "Obama the Interventionist."

**That must be a mistranscription for "...support for Israel, dependence 
on foreign oil,..."

See the whole interview at 


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