[CUCPJ Discuss] [Peace-discuss] Clemons released from hospital

John W. jbw292002 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 15 08:33:34 CDT 2007

At 07:26 AM 7/13/2007, n.dahlheim at mchsi.com wrote:

>I agree with you on your assessment of the Joe Six-Packs of this 
>country.  A working class
>consciousness never will develop here precisely because the social capital 
>and the communal ethos are
>almost non-existent here.  The prevalence of anti-intellectualism and 
>bufoonery among the average
>people of this country is outrageous for a country that dares to propose a 
>21st century "Pax Americana"
>with such bluster and arrogance.

It IS difficult to imagine how a citizenry so enamored of "American Idol" 
and "Entertainment Tonight" could have much of a social consciousness.  But 
I imagine Carl has found a USA Today poll that proves the contrary.

>Herbert Marcuse was more right than even he could have realized in
>writing "The One Dimensional Man."  The dialectic of global capitalism 
>(and socialism at the time as
>well) leads to the narrowing of all discourse around the constructs of 
>power provided by the industrial
>technique of modern societies.  So, the television cameras broadcast tough 
>guys like Reagan and
>drinking buddies like Bush and everyone is happy.  Have them talk about 
>God and Jesus and America,
>and well, people will eat it up like dogs eating their own vomit.
>       Finally, the Bible beaters hell-bent on witnessing the Apocalypse 
> in the next few years certainly
>show how the American working class embodies real Judeo-Christian ideals!
>       Mass movements of people believing either in the conservative 
> vision of America or this particular
>strain of religious insanity are dangerous indeed, and I don't know how 
>progressives can reach these
>dolts.  When 1/6 of the people in the 18-24 age bracket can point to Iraq 
>on the world map, I don't see
>much hope for them being politically influential in a positive way.
>       Check out Eric Hoffer's "True Believer" and the Joe Sixpack 
> phenomenon makes a ton of sense.

Well, Eric Hoffer was a longshoreman.  Like me, he spent most of his life 
living and working alongside members of the working class.  I don't believe 
they've changed that much since Hoffer's time.


>----------------------  Original Message:  ---------------------
>From:    "John W." <jbw292002 at gmail.com>
>To:      "C. G. Estabrook" <galliher at uiuc.edu>
>Cc:      peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net, discuss at communitycourtwatch.org
>Subject: Re: [CUCPJ Discuss] [Peace-discuss] Clemons released from hospital
>Date:    Thu, 12 Jul 2007 11:23:19 +0000

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