[Peace-discuss] Middle ages

n.dahlheim at mchsi.com n.dahlheim at mchsi.com
Fri Jul 20 00:33:51 CDT 2007

Ordinary Democrats have been the backbone of the U.S. peace movement; Washington Democrats have 
had little to do with opposing the Bush agenda.  Heck, the Military Commissions Act which eviscerated 
HABEUS CORPUS was passed with substantial support from Democrats in Washington!!  Anti-war gestures 
by Washington Democrats are mere ploys and gestures without meaning.  Let's be slow to pat Dick Durbin 
on the back.  Carl is most definitely right in his harsh criticism of the Democrats.  Bush should have been 
impeached a long time ago, and a real 911 investigation would have been launched if the Democrats were 
a real opposition party (look what they did to Cynthia McKinney for speaking out).

----------------------  Original Message:  ---------------------
From:    <illyes at uiuc.edu>
To:      peace-discuss at anti-war.net
Subject: [Peace-discuss] Middle ages
Date:    Fri, 20 Jul 2007 04:30:23 +0000

> Yikes, we're back to the Middle Ages again, when Latin was king in the 
> universities. I am possibly as guilty as Carl, having snuck "ad nauseam" into my 
> comments on the mayhem on the peace list regarding the CPRB, but a few things 
> have happened since then, such as John Locke, the American Revolution, and I 
> guess you all can fill in the rest.
> I am more concerned with Carl's repeated condemnation of Democrats. If you 
> removed Democrats from the peace movement in America, you wouldn't have a peace 
> movement. If you removed Democrats from Washington, the Constitution would be 
> dead. Not that they defend it admirably, but that the neocons and theocons have 
> destroyed the Republican party, and we need someone to throw up the barricades 
> while we regroup. I have a lot of differences with Buchanan, but he sees much of 
> this clearly. I respect Durbin's efforts in particular. He has been a strong 
> voice against the excesses of the Patriot Act. He is trying to get, and likely 
> will get, hard withdrawal deadlines. The rest is substantially up to us, 
> citizens.
> Bob
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