[Peace-discuss] How the story was planted minutes after it happened.

n.dahlheim at mchsi.com n.dahlheim at mchsi.com
Mon Jun 4 16:20:39 CDT 2007

Barrie Zwicker (whom I've met before) is a pretty standup guy with unimpeachable progressive 
credentials.  His book Towers of Deception is very well-researched, and I would point out that chapter 3 
on how people psychological process events and launder that information through pre-conceived belief 
sets explains much of the denial behind the Administration's orchestration of the 911 attacks.  Also, if 
you haven't already check out the (now) four books on 911 authored by eminent Whiteheadian 
philosopher/theologian Dr. David Ray Griffin.  Check out his talks on Google Video as well.  If 911 is an 
inside job, we cannot deal with Congress.  Only one person in Congress has tried to investigate the 
Bush Administration's connections to 911, and her grilling of Donald Rumsfeld was a mark of real 
courage----Cynthia McKinney who was ousted from her seat this past election cycle.  But, 911 is 
deeper than the Bush Administration and a microcosm for what Dr. King warned about: how militarism 
and materialism feed each other.  In the United States, the wanton greed that permeates all sectors of 
society and the endless desire for comfort at the expense of other peoples and the planet itself sits 
uncomfortably in our collective unconscious reality.  It lies there as one of those uncomfortable realities 
for which everyone is responsible because they benefit from or depend upon the U.S. political and 
socioeconomic system (though some benefit far more than others---the poor and the disappearing 
middle class are trained to be nothing but mindless consumers and obedient workers).  

So, look at 911 again.  It has much to teach us that is uncomfortable....  Finally, what we do to other 
countries routinely in the last half century comes home to roost.  This should come as a surprise to 
nobody who maintains at least a perfunctory level of awareness about the mendacity and violence at 
the heart of the American government and the rapacious corporations it most ably represents.  

We need to be considering building local economies and local communities.  We need to accept defeat 
as the Democrats continue to side with the elite interests that not only profit from war but depend upon 
it to keep the American system itself afloat.  Either be with centralizing or de-centralizing.  The pro-
centralization team turns its head after the Bush Administration attacks American citizens in the most 
vicious of ways....

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