[Peace-discuss] Irony

Chuck Minne mincam2 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 12 23:03:36 CDT 2007

I'm sorry but I can't help but post this:
  On one hand we have a professor (Finkelstein) being squelched for comments about Jews, Israelis, Zionists, or whatever. On the other we have a journalist being squelched for asking a cop embarassing questions; with a fellow journalist commenting that a story like Watergate would not be touched today by the corporate media.
  Given this, how can anyone ask why no one speaks up about 9-11? Or wonder that perhaps many are speaking up about 9-11 but it is not being reported? The negative consequences in the above paragraph are nothing compared to the lose-lose situation faced when speaking against the official 9-11 story.
  Yet we believe a habitually lying administration and a habitually corrupt media when it comes to 9-11. Hook, line, and sinker, go figure.
  Am I the only one who sees irony here?

  But judge for yourself, don't be afraid, Watch This or This

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