[Peace-discuss] "Conspiracy theories"

n.dahlheim at mchsi.com n.dahlheim at mchsi.com
Thu Jun 21 12:14:01 CDT 2007

    What about the "conspiracy theory" of 19 Arab hijackers run by a guy in a cave fooling the world's best 
air defense system and causing 3 buildings to fall into dust in NEw York City when hit by 2 planes.  Read 
"New Pearl Harbor" or "911 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions" or "Debunking 911 
Debunking" by Dr. David Ray Griffin.  It will open your eyes.  In addition, the Bush Administration has lied 
about practically everything they have done; and save for Condi Rice nobody in the Administration's  inner 
circle testified openly before the 911 Commission.  What did they have to hide?  Why should we believe the 
official version of 911 when the Bush people clearly used it to advance their own nefarious agenda?

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