[Peace-discuss] Neocon flacks attack Paul

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Tue Nov 13 11:55:35 CST 2007

	November 13, 2007
	Glen Beck Attacks Ron Paul Donors...
	Posted by Lew Rockwell at November 13, 2007 09:27 AM

As the Ron Paul movement grew, it was inevitable that the neocons would 
turn from demeaning to smearing. One clownish and sinister example was 
Glen Beck’s CNN show last night.

Beck actually said that the US military may have to be used against the 
growing threat of domestic terrorism: Ron Paul donors. Why? Because 
there is a “rising tide of disenfranchisement” (sic) and Ron’s 
volunteers raised $4.3 million in one day “to commemorate Guy Fawkes” in 
a “money bomb.” Of course, no American knows anything about the English 
Catholic rebel of four centuries ago. The donors were referencing the 
movie and graphic novel, V for Vendetta.

Then Beck says he a libertarian in his heart and it’s OK to raise money 
anyway you want, so long as you are not “blowing people up.” This from a 
guy who advocates blowing people up every day, so long as they're Arabs

Then comes a plummy Brit who I think is one of Bertie Wooster’s friends 
from the Drones Club. Then Beck gets to the real point: we are a 
right-wing peace movement. And being for peace means you want to kill 
people, whereas being for war means you want peace, if I may distill the 

Indeed, we are seeing Murray Rothbard’s dream come true; the Old Right, 
the pre-neocon, pre-Buckley right is back: for freedom and peace, sound 
money and keeping the fruits of your labor.

Next David Horowitz decries the “strain of isolationism and anarchism” 
in America, especially as represented by “libertarian websites like 
LewRockwell.com,” which are “totally in bed with the Islamofascists and 
have turned against this country.” By country, of course, he means the 
imperial presidency’s war-spying-torturing-taxing-planning apparatus.

Beck then asks his viewers to vote on whether he is right about the 
“danger” represented by the Ron Paul revolution. I know I did.


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