[Peace-discuss] Lesser-evilism

Bob Illyes illyes at uiuc.edu
Fri Aug 1 12:22:32 CDT 2008

We have had 8 years of a president who seems to be an idiot and a VP who 
seems to be a reincarnation of Dr. Strangelove. US policies seem to be 
driven more by testosterone than by any coherent plan. Obama is, at least, 
up to the job, and is aware of the complexities and side-effects of any 
action. McCain is not.

It is not lesser-evilism to vote for the competent candidate and to give 
him the benefit of the doubt regarding his good intentions. It is common 
sense and common decency.

We can have these arguments forever. FDR gave us the New Deal, which opened 
the middle class to many people, but he also badgered the Japanese till 
they attacked us. Was he a good or bad president? The anti-war litmus-test 
folks would have to say bad. I would simply say that he was competent and 
that he did the best he could. To argue that there is something better than 
this is foolish or worse.


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