[Peace-discuss] what if third parties in C-U collaborated on a public event?

Robert Naiman naiman.uiuc at gmail.com
Fri Aug 1 13:41:36 CDT 2008

it would be interesting (to me, at least) if there were efforts to
channel whatever energy exists in C-U for third parties between now
and the November elections into some kind of productive activity.

what if the Greens, the Libertarians, and the Nader supporters
organized a public forum, at which representatives of the candidates
articulated their differences with the two major parties' candidates
(and each other, if they differ) on issues facing the country: foreign
policy, energy policy, civil liberties, etc. representatives of the
major parties could be invited to attend and advocate their positions.
there might be some press interest. It seems to me that these groups
have a common interest in trying to project their views to the public,
and they should collaborate in their efforts to do so.

arguably, such groups operating in illinois have a window between now
and November in which they could advance their views without being
completely absorbed by the usual arguments about spoiling, etc. there
is no reasonable doubt that obama will win illinois. the presidential
campaigns will not spend any meaningful resources here. the field is

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