[Peace-discuss] U.S. House Passes Resolution Apologizing for Slavery

E. Wayne Johnson ewj at pigs.ag
Mon Aug 4 09:18:40 CDT 2008

LAURIE wrote:
> I would surmise that you would not want the people in Urbana, or even 
> in your neighborhood, or on your block, or in your house, or in your 
> family running your life or having input in your life except on your 
> terms.
Of course I do not want anyone running my life or having input in my 
life except on my terms.
That's ok, because my terms are quite reasonable.  The Chinese have a 
catchy phrase for it -
"Bei lie guan wo <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcvq_Sng3CQ>" which 
roughly translated means "Mind your own business".
> Unfortunately, if they took the same position as you, there would be 
> nothing but constant domestic battles within households and among 
> neighbors with each individual denying the others the right to have 
> any input or influence over how the other runs their life.

I dont think that you understand my position or perhaps you are driving 
it to an extreme, which is one way to win an argument, if winning an 
argument is the goal.  We are influenced by our neighbors and those we 
interact with whether we are willing and like it or not.  In my 
neighborhood I am a pretty good neighbor, I think.  I am one who is 
helpful, and willing to share my time and efforts and substance with my 
neighbors.  We have 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls.  Fewer children than 
this would be too few for us.  We are satisfied with this number, 
although one of our friends has 5 children, another only 8. We 
participate in the public school system although quite a few of our 
friends have rejected the public schools and are now exercising their 
option for home-schooling.  We do not by any means think that the 
society is responsible for educating our children but we do take part in 
the resources that are there, which we pay for with our taxes (which are 
forcibly taken from us).
<cid:part1.07040409.07020407 at pigs.ag>
The city of Urbana does not like the way I keep my yard and they 
frequently express their opinion on it via correspondence from the yard 
police.  Yes, Urbana has a yard police.  I am obliged to express my 
unequivocally countervailing opinion with similar frequency but perhaps 
with greater intensity.  Most of my neighbors say that they like the 
flowers that we keep and I certainly prefer it to the monotonous 
well-trimmed Euclidean plots of /Poa pratensis/ that the Urbana yard 
police seeks to establish and enforce.  Apparently some one doesnt like 
our yard because they report us to the yard police but never once stop 
and talk to me about it.

Nevertheless, we all seem to live in relative harmony here despite the 
coercion of the hateful police state, but certain not because of it.

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