[Peace-discuss] Re: S Ossetia...

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Mon Aug 11 12:54:33 CDT 2008

I've yet to hear of any evidence that the USG greenlighted this operation (or
even April-Glaspied it).  But Saakashvili has a rep as a hothead and has had
plenty of arms and encouragement from the US (and as David points out, Israel)
-- especially re NATO, because of Georgia's position within the orbit of the
"world's greatest material prize."

Saakashvili told CNN yesterday, "This is not about Georgia. It is about America,
its values." Those values are oil and gas, as he knows, altho' he's implying
something else to try to elicit more immediate US support.

And, yes, it is frightening.  One can imagine a contemporary Bismarck predicting
"Some damn thing in the Caucasus..."  ---CGE

Paul Mueth wrote:
> ...
> was anyone in Bush gang apprised in advance of the attack, .. ?
> I've heard and have not been able to confirm that georgia is the only state
> in the world to have both US and Russian forces posted there.
> US for "training", Russia for "peacekeeping"
> joint military exercises between US and Georgian units  were just recently
> conducted. Someone might suggest that this was training for the Georgian move
> into S Ossetia that ignited the blood letting, and the impasse
> It's actually rather frightening ..

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