[Peace-discuss] Re: [Peace] Labor Day Monday

Karen Medina kmedina at illinois.edu
Wed Aug 27 22:27:52 CDT 2008


thanks! I mentioned it on AWARE on the Air, but forgot to mention it at the 
meeting sunday.

I googled to find more info, like the start time, but I found nothing!

I'm glad you knew.

-karen medina

---- Original message ----
>Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2008 20:12:09 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Ricky Baldwin <baldwinricky at yahoo.com>  
>Subject: [Peace] Labor Day Monday  
>To: Randall Cotton <recotton at earthlink.net>, Peace at lists.chambana.net
>Sorry I wasn't at the meeting to bring this up:
>Jobs With Justice, which helped start US Labor Against the War, and the local
>chapter of which AWARE belongs to (not to mention the Quakers and 
Channing-Murray and the IWW and the
>Campus Greens and the non-campus Greens, etc.), will be marching in
>the annual ...
>Mon. Sept 1
>Gather at Lincoln Square Mall.
>Parade begins at 10 am.
>It would be really cool if some AWARE members would come, if you're not 
>marching with another contingent, and bring some signs that said stuff like:
>"LIVING WAGES NOT WAGING WARS" (that one might need a little work)
>... others can come up with something with more wit, I'm sure...
>The parade winds up at Brookens, in the park just over the
>hill, where participants are always welcome to enjoy free snacks and drinks
>(incl. beer), and free games and those bouncy castle things for the kids (all
>By the way, if you plan to be in Bloomington-Normal on
>Monday, the theme of their parade this year is “Health Care for All.”  That one 
starts at Front and Madison Sts,
>also at 10 am.  
> Ricky Baldwin
>"Only those who do nothing make no mistakes." - Peter Kropotkin
>----- Original Message ----
>From: Randall Cotton <recotton at earthlink.net>
>To: Peace at lists.chambana.net
>Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 11:07:22 PM
>Subject: [Peace] minutes of weekly AWARE meeting 2008-08-24
>Minutes of 8/24/08 AWARE meeting are below, but first, the Upcoming
>Events Calendar:
>Aug 26 (Tuesday) 1PM, Urbana City Council Chambers, 400 S. Vine
>Taping of this week's "AWARE on the Air" for UPTV.
>Aug 26 (Tuesday) 10PM, UPTV (cable channel 6)
>Broadcast of "AWARE on the Air", taped earlier in the day (see above)
>Sep 2 (Tuesday) 1PM, Urbana City Council Chambers, 400 S. Vine St.
>Taping of next week's "AWARE on the Air" for UPTV.
>Sep 2 (Tuesday) 10PM, UPTV (cable channel 6)
>Broadcast of "AWARE on the Air", taped earlier in the day (see above)
>September 6 (Saturday) 2-4PM Main St. & Neil St., Champaign
>The Main Event - AWARE's monthly (first Saturday of each month) street
>demonstration event. Largely focuses on opposing U.S. occupations of Iraq
>and Afghanistan, but is open for anyone to join us either using one of our
>signs or one of their own. We try to have a topical flyer to distribute to
>motorists and passers-by each month.
>September 7 (Sunday) 2-4PM, Urbana Free Library
>"PTSD: Our Troops, Our Community"
>Panel on PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) co-sponsored by AWARE and
>IVAW (Iraq Veterans Against the War). Six panelists slated, including
>veterans suffering from PTSD and local folks whose work includes assisting
>PTSD-affected veterans:
>Martin Smith - IVAW (Iraq Veterans Against the War)
>Mike Mlekowski -  IVAW (Iraq Veterans Against the War), suffering PTSD
>Paul Anderson - IVAW (Iraq Veterans Against the War), suffering PTSD
>Ann Russell - clinical social worker, works w/veterans
>Abigail Malone - Psychiatrist, works w/veterans
>Trent Stevens - Army veteran, UofI academic advisor for disabled veterans
>More details below in meeting minutes.
>September 11 (Thursday) 7PM, home of Jamie and Gary Storm, 304 E. George
>Dr, Urbana
>AWARE Presents working group meeting.
>September 12 (Friday) noon - 1:30PM, Latzer Hall at University YMCA, 1001
>South Wright Street, Champaign
>"Friday Forum" presentation: Luis Alberto Urrea, author of "The Devil's
>Highway: A True Story", about an incident in 2001 of 26 men attempting to
>cross the Mexican border into the desert of southern Arizona, through the
>deadliest region of the continent. Only 12 men emerged. Luis Alberto
>Urrea, is from Tijuana but now lives outside Chicago. Lunch may be
>purchased for $6.00 ($3.00 for students with a valid ID.). Join a book
>club that is reading the book by contacting Patricia Syoen
>psyoen35 at sbglobal.net. Study guide available.
>September 12 (Friday) 5PM-8PM, Pages for All Ages bookstore, 1201 Savoy
>Plaza Lane, Savoy
>Book signing event: Luis Alberto Urrea (see immediately above).
>September 15 (Monday) 6PM, WEFT 90.1FM audio broadcast of Luis Alberto
>Urrea "Friday Forum" presentation (see above).
>October 9 (Thursday) (TENTATIVE), Allen Hall (on campus, 1005 W. Gregory
>Drive, Urbana)
>Dan Kenney of Clearwater on Blackwater and the privatization of war
>October 10 (Friday) 7PM-9PM Urbana City Council Chambers (400 S. Vine St.,
>Dan Kenney of Clearwater: "Outsourcing our Sovereignty - Blackwater and
>the privatization of War". To be recorded for broadcast on UPTV.
>October 29 (Wednesday) 7:30PM, Auditorium, Smith Memorial Hall, 805 South
>Mathews Ave., Urbana
>Naomi Klein: "Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism in Latin
>(hosted by the UofI Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies as
>part of the CAS/MillerComm Lecture Series).
>See: http://www.cas.uiuc.edu/casmillercomm.php#oct29
>Minutes of 8/24/08 AWARE meeting:
>About 20 in attendance
>News of the week was heard courtesy of Carl Estabrook
>Finance Report:  Balance is $1477
>Working group reports:
>Main Event:
>(AWARE's monthly street protest held at the intersection of Main & Neil
>2-4PM on the first Saturday of each month).
>next Main Event is September 6th
>Flyer suggestions:
>Publicity flyer for AWARE Presents PTSD panel event on one side, and
>information on the current Afghanistan situation on the other side. PTSD
>flyer is essentially complete. Carl volunteers to initiate an Afghanistan
>piece for the other side..
>Library Resources:
>(Compilation of valuable reference materials w/strategies to make them
>available in the community through various channels including local
>(no new info this week)
>AWARE Presents:
>(Organization of AWARE-sponsored events in the community)
>Next AWARE Presents working group is scheduled for Sep. 11 (see upcoming
>events calendar above).
>Current AWARE Presents event lineup:
>1. PTSD panel - including local individuals that work with veterans
>affected by PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). See above
>in upcoming events calendar for date/venue details.
>The following 5 panelists are slated to attend:
>Martin Smith - IVAW (Iraq Veterans Against the War)
>Mike Mlekowski -  IVAW (Iraq Veterans Against the War), suffering PTSD
>Paul Anderson - IVAW (Iraq Veterans Against the War), suffering PTSD
>Ann Russell - clinical social worker, works w/veterans
>Abigail Malone - Psychiatrist, works w/veterans
>Trent Stevens - Army veteran, UofI academic advisor for disabled veterans
>Mike and/or Paul is slated to attend (perhaps not both)
>Gary Storm, Conrad Wetzel, Barbara met with panelists to plan details of
>event (during the AWARE meeting, but elsewhere in town)
>Conrad is scheduled to do a Public Square spot on WILL-AM 580 to publicize
>Other Public Service Announcements planned
>Expenditure proposal for PTSD panel discussion presented last week (for
>copying flyers, refreshments) ratified for up to $50.
>2. Dan Kenney of Clearwater on the privatization of war, including
>Blackwater, in a recorded event for the community on October 10 (see above
>in upcoming events calendar for date/venue details).
>It was noted his presence on October 9 at Allen Hall is tentative.
>Public Square spot is planned for publicity
>Other events may be arranged in town.
>Expenditure proposal presented last week for Dan Kenney event (meals,
>mileage for Dan and also flyering) ratified for up to $200.
>3. Jeremy Scahill event still being pursued (he is on a book tour this
>Fall). Scheduling information anticipated from Scahill)
>Tentative possible date of October 28th has emerged. This would be the day
>before Naomi Klein's appearance on campus.
>4. New proposal under development: Invite Juan Cole to speak (University
>of Michigan Professor of History, middle-east expert, author of Informed
>Comment blog, see: www.juancole.com ). Initial contacts to promote
>interest in this at UIUC: Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern
>Studies and Center for Global Studies.
>(AWARE's efforts to keep apprised of and provide support for
>anti-racism/anti-discrimination efforts, including efforts of CUCPJ -
>Champaign-Urbana Citizens for Peace and Justice)
>(No news to report this week)
>Farmer's Market:
>(AWARE's presence at the Urbana "Market on the Square" each Saturday from
>8AM to noon where we offer progressive and anti-war materials, generally
>at or below cost).
>100 "Coexist" stickers ordered (the 50 ordered recently are already gone).
>Other materials to be ordered (perhaps already ordered) as well.
>It was suggested we have someone in front of the table handing out
>articles/flyers or other information, but it was noted this is apparently
>against farmer's market rules. However, it is allowed to hand out material
>from within our booth area (from behind or the sides of our table).
>Sweet Corn Festival
>Weather was better than expected, pretty big crowds.
>We were able to get our booth moved to a higher traffic, less noisy spot
>(following the example of the Army's recruiting booth).
>Some discouragement reported among table staffers at the disinterest of
>most passersby.
>It was noted that this crowd is different from the Farmer's Market crowd,
>fewer percentage of interested and supportive folks with a small but
>colorful presence of folks who are hostile.
>It was noted that because the environment is busy and crowded, we don't
>stand out very much. For events like this, we may do better to put
>together something to attract attention, even if it's just a person out in
>front handing out flyers.
>A "designated front person" was suggested for next year.
>Also suggested for next year: lighting under the tent so folks can read
>our wares (at night it was just too dark for some folks to bother)
>AWARE on the Air:
>(AWARE's weekly television show on public access cable channel 6 - UPTV,
>Urbana Public Television)
>Taping occurs each Tuesdays at 1PM and is broadcast later the same day at
>10PM. AWARE members (and friends) invited to participate - the more the
>merrier (see details above in upcoming events calendar). Program quality
>is always better with more participants.
>August 12th edition of AOTA is available on newsfromneptune.com, will be
>moved to AWARE
>website (anti-war.net) along with later editions.
>There is always room for more participation in AWARE on the Air - prepared
>statements OK. Arriving late/leaving early is OK.
>(Activism regarding notorious domestic policing and international
>mercenary contractor Blackwater, including coordination with
>Illinois-based activist group Clearwater: see:
>http://www.noprivatearmies.org )
>(nothing new to report this week)
>AWARE introduction sheet
>(Effort to create and maintain a short welcoming half-sheet introduction
>to AWARE for new faces attending our meeting.)
>Draft has been completed, revisions in progress, posting to AWARE's
>"peace-discuss" list for comments/suggestions/feedback is anticipated
>later this week
>Additions made (in very small quantity so far) to our T-shirt stock:
>"Peace" in 3 languages, see:
>"No Justice" fish shirt, see:
>Our price for these shirts (from Syracuse Cultural Workers) is $15.
>Old Business
>Bill Walton: (issue of long-time local homeless man banned from Lincoln
>Square Mall, City Building and Library)
>Waiting for outcome of meeting between Bill's childhood friend and Mayor
>New Ideas
>Nancy Dietrich-Rybicki of the Channing-Murray Social Justice Committee has
>forwarded a series of events for AWARE to consider co-sponsoring.
>No financial sponsorship being requested - lending our name only. Many
>events identified, list has been posted to AWARE's mailing lists for
>consideration at next week's meeting. See:
>Mention made of Bob Naiman's suggestion of screening the powerful film
>"Blood and Oil". See:
>Mention made of the United for Peace and Justice "Million Doors for Peace"
>campaign slated for September 20th. See:
>Mention made of planned event to protest occupation of Palestine during
>the RNC in St. Paul. [I could not find details regarding this on the web -
>Events of the Past Week
>(none mentioned)
>Other upcoming events
>(none identified)
>Peace mailing list
>Peace at lists.chambana.net
>Peace mailing list
>Peace at lists.chambana.net

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