[Peace-discuss] IVAW at DNC

Karen Medina kmedina at illinois.edu
Thu Aug 28 21:29:04 CDT 2008

IVAW members were in Denver on Wednesday leading a march of ten thousand to 
the Democratic National Convention where they delivered a message to the Obama 
camp in a meeting with senior campaign officials. IVAW called on the Democratic 
nominee to endorse the three main goals of IVAW: Immediate withdrawal, full 
veterans benefits, and reparations for the Iraqi people.

Jeff Key, a former Marine from Salt Lake City, and Liam Madden, a former marine 
from Boston, were then escorted into the convention where they met with Phil 
Carter, head of veterans affairs for the Obama campaign. IVAW is now waiting for a 
formal response to their request address the delegates from the podium.

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