[Peace-discuss] Bush-Obama terrorism in AfPak

Neil Parthun lennybrucefan at gmail.com
Mon Oct 13 11:42:01 CDT 2008

I'm interested in seeing the divergence.

War in Iraq
OBAMA: Continued presence, use of 'private contractors' (read:  
MCCAIN: Continued presence, use of 'private contractors'

War in Pakistan
OBAMA: Willing to make military incursions into Pakistan
MCCAIN: Willing to make military incursions into Pakistan (but won't  
announce it first)

War in Afghanistan
OBAMA: Need to send more troops to fight the 'right war' that we got  
distracted from fighting
MCCAIN: Continue to fight the war

OBAMA: Fervent support
MCCAIN: Fervent support

Gay Marriage
OBAMA: Oppose
MCCAIN: Oppose

OBAMA: Punish immigrants coming into the country
MCCAIN: Punish immigrants coming into the country

Drug War
OBAMA: Continue
MCCAIN: Continue

OBAMA: Tweak NCLB and high stakes testing
MCCAIN: Keep NCLB and high stakes testing

Health Care
OBAMA: Continue for profit method that keeps people uninsured
MCCAIN: Continue for profit method that keeps people uninsured

And for Supreme Court justices -- the President's pick and political  
beliefs do not always influence the work of that justice.  Harry  
Blackmun was appointed by Nixon and he wrote the majority opinion for  
Roe v. Wade.  Warren Burgher was also appointed by Nixon.  Brennan  
got added by noted Republican President Eisenhower.  Eisenhower also  
appointed a person that he believed to be a "conservative" justice --  
Earl Warren who became one of the most outspoken 'activist judges'.   
Gerald Ford put John Paul Stevens in.  Hell, even Reagan's appointees  
(O'Connor and Kennedy) have voted to strike down state restrictions  
on abortion, state anti-sodomy laws and to uphold campaign finance  
reform along with favoring the use of international law to interpret  
the Constitution.  HW Bush's pick of David Souter was seen as a "home  
run for conservatism" yet he has become a fairly liberal judge. So,  
hand wringing about Supreme Court justice picks should not always  
guide a decision because Republican presidents have brought out some  
justices whose decisions are loved by the progressive left (Brown v.  
Board, Roe v. Wade, etc.).

And let's not bring out the specter of abortion.  There have been  
plenty of Rethuglican candidates that ran on anti-choice platforms  
and the right to free choice is still standing today.  8 years of  
Reagan, 4 years of Bush Sr., 8 years of Bush Jr. and it is still here  
after all of them said it was a primary goal to institute a "culture  
of life".  The abortion issue is a great fiddle upon which the Dems  
and Repubs play the voters for votes through scare tactics.

/still looking for major differences between Obama and McCain
//looking over hill, over dale
///thinks I've made my point and is off to go read some Jemele Hill  
columns and DWIL at Sports on My Mind

Its not the act of seeing with our own eyes alone; its correctly  
comprehending what we see,


  We absolutely have to refuse to attribute any kind of permanency to  
that which is simply because it is.
[angela v. davis, 1944-]

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could.  
Some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as  
you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with  
too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.
[ralph waldo emerson, 1803-1882]
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