[Peace-discuss] C4L Bailout project

E. Wayne Johnson ewj at pigs.ag
Wed Oct 22 22:47:08 CDT 2008

The C4L is launching a program to hold accountable those congressmen and 
senators who voted for the bailout.

There are handout materials (designed by Adam Kokesh of IVAW) customized 
for every senator and congressman in the US.
Here is the Illinois directory listing all of the congressmen and 
senators and how they voted on the bailout.

They have also prepared radio ads targeting key congressmen and senators

Some of us had been extremely vocal in criticizm of the previous 
adminstration of the C4L.  Some of the old crowd
has been let go and there is new and capable staff running things.  I am 
pleased with what they are doing.
The C4L also has new education materials pages (done by Tom Woods) with 
bibliographies and clickable
links to free online reads, audio and video.  Some of the links on books 
go to Amazon but there is a lot of online stuff.
Here is the page on foreign policy:

 Membership in the C4L is not required for accessing any of their 
materials, but free and paid memberships are available for
those who are interested in the social networking and activism aspects 
of the C4L.
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